Dit is Cedric: Co-founder en Frontend Tovenaar van het Maplix Team

Our UX Engineer, our front-end enthusiast, our funniest colleague and the youngest member of the Maplix team. Cedric is 26 years old and a born entrepreneur. Cedric works on Maplix with a great deal of passion. In his spare time Cedric enjoys cooking, travelling and playing with his pets. A man of many talents. Curious to find out more? Keep reading!

Favorite quote:

“Some people say the glass is half empty or the glass is half full, but to me that’s irrelevant because I’m having another drink” – Sean Lock

1. What is the most exciting part of your job?

The fact that Maplix contains many different modules and functionalities keeps the job interesting and fun. Every day is different. We also use a modern microservice architecture and some of the newest technologies on the market, which is always really exciting!

2. What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

Playing with my pets, playing golf, going on trips with my girlfriend, going to nice restaurants, playing piano, … Basically enjoying life!

3. Favourite meme?

4. What animal would you consider your spirit animal?

A cat. Because I can be a bit distant with people I don’t or barely know, but once I feel comfortable around someone, I’m very friendly, social and caring. And I think a lot of cats are the same.

5. What’s your favorite food?

That’s a hard one! Way too many options to choose from, but one thing I know: I’ll probably find it in London. From a kimchi bao on the streets of Shoreditch to a fancy dinner at Nopi, it really can’t get any better.

6. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Neither actually. I like the late afternoon. That’s when I’m at my best!

7. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

An actor. I don’t know why, but I remember that’s what I always used to say when I was a kid. Maybe because I was a fairly confident kid who liked to be the center of attention.

8. What’s your least favorite chore around the house?

Laundry and ironing, 100%.

9. What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?

A water filter, a knife and a match stick. I’m a very rational thinker, I guess.

10. And finally: where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I hope to be an inspiration and leader to many young, driven developers like me. And I’ll probably live somewhere in Norway or something, because why not, right?

Thank you, Cedric!

Anke Bracke

Anke Bracke

Nov 2021

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